Imagine Children's Museum

Edge Themed Environments has worked with Imagine for over twenty years, creating fun and interactive exhibits for children to learn and play.

Learning With Fun

Each project we have constructed has been more exciting than the last. One of our first projects was an interactive tree house near their front entrance, this tree house not only appeared as if it was built on a real tree but also included talking pipes for kids to communicate to their friends down on the ground.

With children’s museums, exhibits are always more involved than just something to look at. They need to not only be fun for the kids, but also provide mental stimulation so they will learn something new whether they realize it or not. We really enjoy doing these projects because we are able to provide a lot more design input in comparison to our zoo builds.

“Edge Themed Environments does an outstanding job of working with the other architects, contractors, and other fabricators involved in our project. The quality of their work and attention to detail was critical, as our standard of excellence is very high.”

Nancy L. Johnson / Executive Director, Imagine Children's Museum

Crew members working at Imagine Children's museum on the upper deck on the in progress Bicycle Tree

Handmade whale baleen made for the Whale Exhibit at Imagine Children's Museum.

Whale Story

Our whale was first observed live off Whidbey Island on 6/8/19 by a whale watch vessel. Was seen periodically throughout June with its body condition deteriorating. He was found floating dead at about noon on July 6th in Budd Inlet in Olympia and was towed onto the beach the next day for a necropsy. His official number is CRC-1740.

When a marine mammal dies, scientists conduct a necropsy, an animal version of an autopsy. During this process they take measurements and samples to determine the cause of death. If it is decided that the skeleton should be preserved, the whale is flensed. This is the process of removing as much soft tissue as humanly possible so the bones can buried to allow bacteria to eat what is left, leaving only the bones behind.



The whale skeleton was already mostly cleaned by DFW and Cascadia when it was given to the museum. It is recommended to bury it for as long as possible since whale bones are extremely oily and the longer they sit in manure the better. We got them in the ground as soon as we could early 2020 and they were dug up late June 2021 for cleaning, whitening, and to be inventoried.
The bones where then dug up by us and brought to Edge’s facility for storage and then were cleaned by Imagine Children’s Museum volunteers early July 2021. It was a hot, long day of scrubbing and bone identification.

Right now, we are working on designing the best way to showcase the bones in a scientifically accurate and artistically pleasing way. This has been an interesting process as it is almost impossible to plan ahead when assembling such a complex biological structure.

Bones, Bones and more Bones

Immersive Exhibits

The Imagine Children’s Museum has been a pretty familiar partner over the last few years for Edge Themed Environments. One of the earliest projects we did with them, was the train tunnel rock formation. While kids play in the train they are immersed into the experience of crawling and ducking through the rock tunnel.

The Dino Dig

The Dino Dig has been a longtime favorite for the kids. Here, children get to dig up dinosaur bones in the substrate. Other features include bones and crystals in the rock wall as well has a life size stegosaurus skeleton that takes center stage of the exhibit.

Some Recent Work!

A few new pieces for the museum!


A tugboat that kids can play in as part of a shipping and distribution center exhibit


a life size grey whale calf that will be hung above a real whale skeleton that kids can walk through as they learn about grey whale anatomy.


Restoration & Fabrication - From our shop, to your exhibit

Imagine Expansion - In progress!

Our latest involvement with Imagine is the new 2021-2022 expansion. A three-story building has been added to the museum providing a whole new world of exhibits for the children to play on and learn from.

On the first-floor kids will experience a locally inspired forest understory and canopy as they climb between uniquely themed tree houses. Net tunnel bridges link the tree houses above, while below, kids can explore freely on the forest floor.

On the second story several Puget Sound exhibits will teach kids about local sea life. Highlighted exhibits will be; a real grey whale skeleton that kids can crawl through, a live fish tank containing intertidal species, and an industrial loading dock themed distribution center where children will be able to sort packages on conveyer systems. The third floor will provide a cafeteria with food being served from a revitalized 60’s Divco food truck. The cab of this truck will provide an area for kids to climb up inside for pictures and to play with the steering wheel.